Maternity Reflexology Post-graduate Workshops
The workshops are designed to provide qualified reflexologists with a basic knowledge of women's fertility, pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal experience. The two day workshops and is a mixture of theory, discussion and practical work.
Part 1 workshop (2 days) covers the female pelvis and reflex zones on the feet and from pre-conception until the end of pregnancy (hormones of fertility) including an overview on infertility.
Part 2 (2 days) workshop covers the development of the incoming soul and reflection on the feet, birthing and the postnatal period and baby reflexology.
Reflexologist choose to attend the workshops and receive a statement of attendance or complete the Post-Graduate certificate.
To complete Maternity Reflexology Post-Graduate Certificate Course, participants are required to complete the two workshops, practical assessments in class, course assignments, case studies and a reflective journal over a 12 month period. Participants are also required to present one case study (10-15 minutes) on the first day of Workshop 2. The two workshops are usually 6 weeks up to 6 months apart to allow time to use the techniques learnt in part 1 and to acquire some case studies.
Contact ASRR: info@asrr.com.au
Part 1 - dates to be confirmed
Part 1- dates to be confirmed
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