Welcome to Sole to Soul Maternity Reflexology. If you’re a midwife or student midwife and you’re looking to learn a range of vital skills from us regarding pregnancy in the areas of reflexology and other complementary & alternative medicine/therapies, then please read on to find out more about our courses and workshops. For more information on acupressure- please visit the acupressure page
Introduction to Reflexology Workshop
The 1-day introduction workshop on reflexology for midwives and student midwives includes an overview of reflexology history and theory, practical relaxing techniques, uses and application in midwifery practice.
Reflexology for Midwives certificate course
This course is designed to provide a competency-based training in reflexology for midwives to complement their existing midwifery skills. The course is for midwives and student midwives with no previous reflexology training and totals 44 hours combining workshops, practice, and worksheets.
The course is conducted over 5 days: 2 face-to-face weekends (approx. 6 weeks apart) and a Zoom half-day session in between workshops. The course includes reflexology techniques, reflexology assessment routines, and reflexology therapies with specific application to midwifery practice - antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and newborns.
A Certificate of Reflexology for Midwives is awarded on satisfactory completion of all assessments including 90% attendance and 10 hours practical log book. The certificate course also attracts 44 ACM CPD points.
1 day Introduction to Reflexology
Gladstone, Qld: Saturday 19 October 2024 - flyer below. Email Lyndall - lmollart@gmail.com
Taree, NSW: TBC
Hobart, Tasmania: March 2025- TBC
Full course:
Sydney NSW, Perth WA, Brisbane Qld, Melbourne Victoria: 2024-5 dates and venue to be confirmed
A sample of the techniques you will learn at our Reflexology for Midwives workshop and course,
Visit YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mTnw607_ps&t=394s
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