If you’re a midwife, midwifery student, doula or a reflexologist, then please read on to find out more about our acupressure 1-day competency-based workshop.
This one day workshop is a combination of theory, research and practical on the use of 8-10 acupressure points that can be used safely during pregnancy, labour and postnatal period: for nausea & vomiting, breech or posterior presentation, labour ’priming’, encouraging strong contractions, retained placenta, afterbirth pains, and promoting breastfeeding.
Research published in peer-reviewed medical and midwifery journals concludes that acupressure is a safe, non-invasive, non pharmacological method of reducing nausea in pregnancy, breech presentations (baby upside position), duration of labour and pain in labour.
The morning session covers basic background information on acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), research studies findings, acupressure points and safe methods used. The role of the partner and support persons to use these points is discussed.
The afternoon session provides a safe practical hands-on session that involves locating 8-10 acupressure points. Along with provided handouts (written information and diagrams), time is allocated for all participants to demonstrate that they are able to locate the points accurately on each other.
1 day Workshop:
Gladstone Qld, Friday 18 October- see flyer below. For more information to register- Email Lyndall at lmollart@gmail.com
Taree, NSW: TBC
Hobart, Tasmania: March 2025- TBC
For a free booklet on "Natural pain relief techniques for childbirth using Acupressure": visit Debra Bett's website: https://acupuncture.rhizome.net.nz/
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